I have a hard time writing bios because the things I think I “should” write about aren’t the most defining things. So I’m just going to write about the most defining things.

The most important part of my journey has always been the Earth and the ocean.

As a child I genuinely felt like the ocean was my best friend and honestly, I still do. I can spend all day swimming, roaming tide pools, and I just never want to leave the beach.

I grew up in Orange County, California, and while it is beautiful there, I never felt deeply connected to the land.

I tried to go as far away as I could for college, but the universe intervened and I ended up going to UCLA.

Throughout college, I thought I would work for the Environmental Protection Agency or become an Environmental Lawyer. I honestly just loved the Earth so much I would do whatever career I could to help her.

Then Senior year of college my Dad passed away and my whole world changed. He was the center of my universe, so I had to create a whole new one.

Spirituality became my saving grace. Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way writes, “necessity, not virtue, was the beginning of my spirituality”. This is true for me too. I needed to understand life in a deeper way to cope with his loss and spirituality gave me that understanding.

After finishing college, I decided to move abroad. I worked in Environmental Research in Panama, taught English in Colombia, and tried to start a clothing line in Argentina.

My ego used to feel embarrassed about my chaotic resume and now I know I was just searching for my truth. My soul was right on track the whole time.

My work became spiritual when I discovered Human Design. I began reading charts in the Summer of 2020 and fell in love with the work.

My experience with Human Design inspired me to create The Soul Alignment Session. I wanted a way to go deeper with my clients and to help them understand their soul’s mission more clearly.

That brings me to now. I currently live in my version of heaven, on the island of Kauai. I swim in the ocean as much as I can, read about 15 spiritual books at once, and eat way too much dark chocolate.

I am a 5/1 Sacral Generator and a Taurus sun, Leo Rising, and Sagittarius moon.

Thanks for being here. I love you!