Living in Alignment

Alignment is a word that is being thrown around a lot these days. But what does it mean exactly? As defined by the dictionary, alignment means a position of agreement or alliance. This agreement or alliance can come at many levels- are we living in alignment with our values, our purpose, our heart and our soul? These are questions we should all be asking ourselves.

I believe the answer to these questions will come when we feel as though we are living in flow. My human design is a Generator. My “not-self theme”, or how I feel when I am not living my design to describe it in layman’s terms, is frustration or lack of flow. I can tell that something is off in how I am approaching things, using my energy and making decisions if I am feeling out of the flow of life. This is true for all human design types and all people I believe. When we are choosing to live in a way that is truly aligned with our authentic selves things just flow. It doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges, there will be, but underneath the everyday trials and tribulations there is a sense of trust in the flow of life.

I found human design at a time in my life when I was feeling anything but flow. I was teaching English in Cartagena, Colombia. The teachers went on a 2-month long teachers strike that left me with way too much time contemplating life in my room. Since then, I have come to human design again and again to learn more about myself.

Learning about my design has brought about a new level of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self trust. It makes me feel safe being me, exactly as I am.

It is my intention to spread this magic so we can all learn to live in alignment with our truest selves and find our flow.


Self-knowledge for self-acceptance and ultimately, self- love