The Only Dance There Is

One of my favorite spiritual teachers, Ram Dass, has a beautiful essay titled this. The Only Dance There Is. That dance is life itself.

Everything in life has only the meaning that we give it. We get to decide what it even means to be alive. It can be a curse or a blessing, we get to choose. I believe that it is of the utmost importance that we cultivate a beautiful relationship with life. That we learn to navigate it with grace and acceptance. That we learn to cherish the highs and the lows. That we learn to dance with joy each and every day.

When we dance we are moving with the music. We are allowing ourselves to flow in the moment and listen to what our body wants to do. It is a powerful metaphor for the way we can live life when we are willing to dance with it. We don’t want to be the wallflowers avoiding the dance floor of life, or the people who resist a slow song when it comes on. We can navigate life as the type of dancer who is ready to hit the floor, no matter what song is on and who is watching.

The main way we can learn to dance with life is by creating a strong relationship with spirit. A strong spiritual foundation can support us no matter what happens. When we really believe that there is a bigger source looking out for us, life is so much more joyful and delightful. We don’t have to live in a constant vigilant state waiting for the other metaphorical shoe to drop, or try to will everything into existence, we can flow with life. Or as my teacher Deganit Nuur says, “ride the cosmic lazy river of life”.

Even though I have been dedicated to my spiritual journey for almost 6 years now, things really began to click for me when I completed a 6-month clairvoyance apprenticeship with Deganit. I had a reading with her in 2019 that completely blew my mind! When she launched her apprenticeship last year teaching all of the tools she uses, my whole body lit up and I immediately signed up.

In the apprenticeship I found true spiritual alignment. I thought I was doing all the right things, but I still had this punishing relationship with source. I thought if I didn’t do “all the right things” I would never get what I wanted. I thought I had to slave away to will my manifestations into existence. I was technically spiritual, but I wasn’t all that happy.

After going through the apprenticeship, I found a deeper happiness within myself. I really fell in love with spirit and realized that I had it all wrong. Spirit is infinitely loving and supportive. I didn’t have to earn love from her (I refer to source as her most of the time), I am her love.

I also conveniently discovered that I am really psychic! I took to clairvoyant work faster than anything I ever have before. All I wanted to do was psychically read into anything and everything. I was riding a serious high that I’ve never fully come down from.

I could write for hours about all I learned in this program, besides my solid spiritual foundation. I’ll share just some of the highlights below:

  1. How to truly manifest. The apprenticeship was the first time I learned to manifest in a way that resonated with me and worked. Manifestation, as Deganit teaches, is not about giving our power away to any one thing. It’s about realizing that all manifestations are an extension of us. The process of manifesting is about falling deeper in love with ourselves and then seeing what comes out of that.

  2. A stronger connection with my spirit guides. A big part of the apprenticeship is learning to connect with spirit guides. Spirit guides are like our spiritual bffs. They have our back always, never leave our side if we don’t want them too, and were assigned to us before we were born. Can you imagine that you have an entire spiritual support team that you haven’t even met? It’s wild, but it’s true. It’s like trying to dance through life alone when you actually have all these cosmic dance partners. You must meet them. In the apprenticeship you’ll learn how.

  3. How to work with energy. You’ll learn how to read into things psychically in the apprenticeship, but also how to work with energy. Energy is a force and follows specific patterns. When we create, we are first creating at an energetic level. By understanding the cycles of energy and the energetics of creation, it’s much easier to build what we want efficiently and effectively.

  4. Healing can be fun and fast. We go deep into healing too. Healing is something we all have to do. We carry a lot of energetic weight and trauma from our pasts. I used to think trauma was this huge word that only applied to majorly difficult things. It does, but it also applies to the small moments from our past when we felt deeply ignored, abandoned, or rejected. Our younger selves don’t understand what is happening so we internalize those things and walk around with these heavy energetic backpacks. In the apprenticeship you’ll learn how to majorly lighten your energetic load by healing past traumas.

  5. How to feel intuitively unfuckwithable. Y’all intuition is the greatest gift we all have. It’s just a muscle we have to learn to train and use. I am so obsessed with intuition for all! It’s a pillar of my new Life Architecture offering for that reason. Our intuition is like our internal GPS system. It is always guiding us and is leading us on our path. When we trust our intuition we can actually live the life we want to live, not the one others have told us we should want to live. And why else are we here but to live the life we really want live? Without a connection to our intuition, we will always feel lost.

These are my main takeaways that all have contributed to a way more enjoyable dance with life. There are times when I’m so terrified out on the dance floor, but I know spirit has my back.

If you have questions about the apprenticeship please send me an email or reach out to me on Instagram. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have.

Sending you lots of love.


Untethered from the past


How well do you know yourself?